There are a number of signs that cause you to reconsider your position at your current company, those signs aren’t too hard to identify. Some signs are too hard to move past and require you to search for another opportunity. Those signs are:
1- Not getting along with the people you work with and/or your boss: You can try to work out the problems you’re having with colleagues or your manager, but know that sometimes they’re not fixable.
2- You are consistently stressed, negative & unhappy at work: If you get anxious or unhappy just thinking about work, that’s a good sign that it’s time to move on.
3- Your work-related stress is affecting your physical health: The work, people, or culture are unhealthy, and it has a negative impact on you physically and mentally, the stress is present both inside and outside of work; it’s consuming. When work starts affecting your mental or physical health, or both–it’s time to move on.
4- Not fitting in with the corporate culture: You feel that there are ethical or moral differences in how the company and you believe the firm should operate. Those differences include, but are not limited to cultural differences and work ethic clashes.
5-Lacking passion: You are not waking up most mornings with a feeling of excitement towards your job, that feeling you had when you first started working there.
6- Your work performance is suffering: If you are no longer productive at work, even though you’re capable of performing the task(s), you might want to start looking for new work.
7-No work-life balance: When you find that you’re spending less time with your family because of work or you cannot commit the necessary time to your job, you should consider looking elsewhere.
Read also Work-life Balance
8- Your skills are not being utilized : Management doesn’t acknowledge that you have more to offer than what you’ve been contributing for a significant amount of time, you’ve been passed over for a promotion or attempts to take on more challenging assignments have failed.
9- Your job duties have changed/increased, but the pay is the same.
10- You are overqualified: When the work becomes so mundane that you could do it in your sleep, it’s time to explore other opportunities
11- Opportunities are passing you by:
For whatever reason, you feel as if opportunities are passing you by. You apply for promotions and lateral moves only to find another employee chosen. You ask for feedback and take action to improve the suggested skills and gain the recommended experience. You apply again, and once more, you aren’t given your desired opportunity.