Being torn between your career and depression is common and frustrating but be patient…
If you find yourself losing many opportunities due to so-called stress and you feel this feeling comes a lot then you have to put an end to it in any way or another. If you feel this is because of work mainly, then you need to remember there is no work that is 100% comfortable with no psychological pressure. If this approach fails, we recommend you should take a vacation to recover and have some peace of mind, this makes it easier on you to take decision related to what you want to do with your career.
Break your daily work routine by some daydreaming and a vivid imagination. Yes, imagine that you are going to act in a new TV series and you are the lead of this show, set the best scenario that you wish for and escape from pressure for a little while.
If you feel you’re too stressed and tired at most times and if you want to save yourself from these Symptoms, YOU SHOULD DO THIS:
* You must have an interesting and joyful social life.
* Review the events that have occurred during the day and think about the most important achievements of this day.
*Stay away from people and places that cause anxiety and tension.
* Do fun Activities & stay away from pressure.
You are probably thinking “Everyone is stressed at work, what is the big deal?”
The big deal is, in 2013 two Swiss businessmen committed suicide in two different events although they are successful and heading some of Switzerland’s large companies, the primary reasons for their suicides was not being able to deal with the constant pressure and tension in their lives. If you are constantly working yet not feeling the joy behind your achievements, then you need to do something about it.
Just remember that constantly stressing about your stress won’t help. Step out of your cycle of misery and don’t allow yourself to feel the burnout. If your life is filled with fights then you need to remember that the best fighters are the most relaxed ones. Just keep smiling and be optimistic.