Average candidates, sometimes, don’t get to hear why they exactly were turned down for a job! And Even if they received a feedback, it could never be the real reason!
Most people are probably unaware of some stuff they do that could be hindering their job search.
So how to make it better if you don’t know what went wrong?
Let’s start from scratch!
Challenge #1 – Where to begin?
You are a jobseeker, desperate for work, maybe a fresh graduate, and all you want to do is to just find a good job! You need to know how, when, and where to search for it, because if you applied randomly on all available vacancies without considering your area of expertise, you will most probably end up on the “rejected” pile!
Why? Simply because your resume won’t fit at all! You need to actually decide what you want to do, where and for whom.
There is also one more very important thing that will occur when applying randomly. Your application will get lost in their database. If you didn’t hit it right from the first time, there is a big chance that the second time when you apply for the Job you really want, and that matches your specialties, they might have already dusted off your application!
Challenge #2 – Differentiation!
Biggest challenge for today’s job seeker is being able to stand out of all people who had no business applying for a job in the first place.
Make use of all the sources you have online to learn how to market yourself. Get a professional help to be prepared for a job interview. Ask an expert or even a friend about your body language, appearance, CV or Video CV.
Challenge #3 –Self-confidence!
When you are on the market, you need to act like it! Call your friends, ex-managers, and ask for recommendation. This will give you the needed self-confidence to go for better position, to change a job, or to just move forward with your regular Job Hunting. Try, as well, practicing presenting yourself in front of your mirror. Use a timer and do it in 60 seconds. Be aware of your tone, body language, and the content as well. When you are satisfied with yourself, it will show and be reflected.
Challenge #4 – What’s the right answer?
If you are the right match for the job, get ready to be questioned – vigorously! HR managers are experts in their business. They are psychologists – they will know how to ask a question on which you will most probably slip. They tend to do that, not because they want you to fail the question, but to see how you would react in such situations. If you don’t how to answer or you are not sure, be honest and admit it! They will appreciate your honesty more than your clumsy way of getting out.
Challenge #5 –Rejection!
The truth is you might get rejected. The sooner you deal with that, the sooner you will overcome it. Consider rejection as a part of the business. Remember – Job Hunt is like sales. You are selling a product – which is yourself! If you’re rejected, it’s because you didn’t close the deal, or didn’t sell your product the right way. You have to knock on some other doors. But what would you do before the second knock? You should evaluate the previous experience, and make sure this won’t occur again.
Accept rejection. Polish your product and start again – Today!