This is how the story usually goes, Every day you wake up early, maybe at 6 or 7, you get quickly prepared to leave because you are already late. You head to work, sometimes with positive attitude. But this might not last till you get into the office because you have been stuck in the traffic jam, or you were trapped in the most crowded subway. Accordingly, you reach your office late finding your manager already there which obviously will ruin your day! Then you start checking your email; customer x is completely pissed off because of an absurd thing so you now feel a little more sluggish and frustrated with your everyday routine.
Is that the endless routine of your day?
Actually this shouldn’t be how your day goes, you still can change the whole situation, maybe, with a smile. You can always think positively and overcome this miserable attitude. “The power of positive thinking” as mentioned in “THE Law of Attraction”.
Remember “Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting, just like magnets – like attract like. You become and attract what you think; thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings mean you are not on the right track.”
Get over this negativity and try to change your attitude towards your daily routine:
You are the best author of your life; let go of the previous story and try to create the new version, and you will definitely find out the difference.
Here are some tips that will help kill your routine:
- Wake up always with a smile on your face
- See the world from a different prospective
- Instead of avoiding your co-workers, try to engage and cheer them up.
- Think of something joyful, something that will change your mood completely.
Lastly, if you are a sales man, for instance, try to change the way you approach your customers; master a new technique, listen more to them as if you are his consultant. Simply show them how badly he needs this product. Just do it differently.
Radical Difference will make you feel better, be positive and you will witness the best success!