If you are unemployed and actively searching for a new job then in reality the amount of time and effort you put to land on your new dream job could be also considered as an employment itself and in this case your job title would be “Job Seeker”. Discover how to start your Job Search with Jobzella Today.
Seeking a new job is never easy, Job search actually needs a lot of efforts and you need to know what you are looking for and identify your skills inventory. Before discussing the different steps that you can take, you should know that one of the biggest challenges while searching for a job is dealing with the emotional ups and downs, so it’s important to be positive during searching as it will give you the energy to do the work.
3 simple Tips to find your job easier on Jobzella:
1- Strategy:
Develop a job search strategy by identifying how you will implement your search process, what keywords you are going to use, which countries or cities you are going to focus on, and what channels you are going to explore. Through Jobzella you can have free access to millions of jobs from thousands of company and career websites worldwide. It is important to document everything you do: Who did you call or contact, and when? What job boards have you visited? Review your milestones each morning and evaluate what you are doing.
2- Resume:
In order to get your resume noticed, you have to make sure that you have used the right keywords, and to update your profile/CV on Jobzella by outlining your latest experience, skills and contributions to your previous companies. Also do not forget to add your updated contact details and a recent professional photo, this will make your profile more visible and more interesting to the employers. You also can use the profile completeness meter to help you rate your profile while editing it.
3- Expand your professional network:
Remember that people you know also have a professional life. They may have contacts that you need to know. Through Jobzella you can invite all your Facebook friends, or your email contacts to join and follow you. And this will certainly maintain your network. But it is not only important to be there, you need also to be active. Share and engage with your network and follow professionals and companies as much as you can, this will help you to get noticed and be branded the way you want.
Jobzella currently has more than 1,600,000+ jobs available worldwide. If you haven’t tried it out yet, you are missing out on thousands of job opportunities. So you should definitely sign up.
Remember: Anytime you are searching for a new job, it will be time consuming, hardworking, stressful experience. Having a structured plan will be vital to achieve your goal… Good luck! 🙂