Traditional Job Hunt
Yesterday we defined the main differences between two models of Job Hunting; Traditional model and Life Changing model. Today we will deal with Traditional Job Hunt. This will empower you and make your Job Hunt more structured and way closer to success.
The easiest form of Traditional Job Hunt is, believe it or not, on the Internet, for example, through Jobzella you can access millions of jobs worldwide with just one click. Internet has evolved in past decade so strong that today you cannot image a Job search or any Job opportunity without it. For so many reasons; as during Traditional Job Hunt you will use internet for “game of comparing”. Meaning, comparing and matching Job posts, resume, employers, salaries…etc. and the best (or the worse!) thing is that it will be done automatically by a computer program called “search engine”.
Also your CV can be searched and found by any employer, who might contact you and offer you a good job. Bad thing is, if you don’t do it properly, your CV will not pop up in this search and you might lose one more opportunity.
So what do you need to do?
1. Prepare your resume (CV)
Meaning, your CV is a summary of your work experience till today, it is not an essay! Avoid sentence like “After I was born in London, my parents and I moved to Scotland where I finished Primary school”. No one cares where you moved to and why! What they (HR experts) care for will always be FACTS! Pure, naked facts! Or even better Keywords! List your experience by using words that are familiar in “Internet language”. If you were/are a Sales person, then don’t try to make it more fantasized by transforming it into a “Highly trust personal shopper”, because Internet (search engine) will not find you in a job hunt which you prefer. So if you get an offer that is bad, it would be your fault!
2. Make it Visible
Very important step. Create your professional profile on Jobzella and BE ACTIVE! Your profile is your resume! It is not enough to create an account and apply for a job. Of course, you need to do this as well, but if you are active in a sense that you are creating your professional network, communicating live on your timeline, sharing experience and knowledge, your CV/profile will be more visible in the Internet world. This will give you better chance to be recognized by a potential employer.
3. You sleep, they search!
You still don’t think it is possible to find your dream job while you are actually dreaming/sleeping? J Yes, it is! This is the power of Traditional Job Hunt. It is easy, with minimum effort, minimum thinking, maximum match! How? As mentioned before, it is the search engine that will do the job for you! Secret lies in Keywords!
Stay tuned tomorrow, we will be bringing other details on a more creative but slightly difficult job hunt – The Life Changing!