Are you constantly overdue at work? At the end of the day you realize that you have accomplished nothing on your To-Do list? It only gets Longer? Well, start looking up your Time Management skills.
Did you know that workers who couldn’t productively manage their time felt less in control of their life? But the good news is, it can get better!
Paying attention on how you spend your time will help you manage it more effectively.
To do that, Jobzella takes you through three phases of a proper Time management:
Phase 1 – Scan
When you wake up tomorrow morning, note the time in your day planner. Scan the day!
As the day progresses, write down everything that you do. Yes, everything! From the time you wake up, the time you spend on social networks, and even the coffee you had with your friends. Every meeting, every phone call…Simply Everything!
Phase 2 – Analyze
At the end of the day go through your list and highlight all the things you don’t find productive. Seek out your five biggest time wasters of the day. Be honest with yourself. For instance, have you spent half an hour by the coffee machine talking to your coworkers? Or daydreaming?
Phase 3 – Change
Now it’s time to come up with a way to get that time back. There are three ways how to change your time wasting habits and become a better time manager.
A. Prioritize – to have a To-Do list is a really effective way to manage your time and prioritize. Limit the number of tasks you have on this list to 5. Assign them in order of priorities.
B. Classify – not only that classifying your daily tasks in a to-do list will help you organize and focus on what you want to achieve in the day, but also you won’t waste any more time thinking of what you wanted to do at some time of your day .
C. Schedule – multitasking will probably stress you even more, so it isn’t the right way to go! Set aside blocks of time or milestones. For each activity set a Start and an End time. And by applying that, your day will be clearly segmented. Stick to the schedule. Be persistent. And honest of course! At the end of the week, check your scheduled activities and find out how much time you have saved.
Keep in mind that you are the master of your own time, so make full use of it!