Are you being micro-manager? Negatively supervising every detail of the work to ensure quality? The below signs prove you’re running a micro-managed corporate full of stressed, creatively restrained, and a staff full of hatred against your management techniques.
First of all, let’s understand the meaning of micro-management and how it destroys teams rather than building them up.
Micro-management: Refers to someone who manages a project, company, or a team using overly close supervision and a lack of ability to assign tasks while constantly monopolizing the decision-making authority to himself. A micromanager is never fully satisfied with all the team’s productions and tasks.

1- Avoid talking to you
If you’re having awkward small talks, they’re always either running late or have something better to do. They act awkward around you and always feel they have more energy towards other co-workers rather than to you. Chances are your employees hate your guts. But that’s not always the end of the world, you should take this as a chance to reevaluate and enhance your management techniques. Try asking about what’s bothering them.
Down below we’ll list some tips on how to improve employees’ loyalty and enhance your style of management.
2- Won’t volunteer for help
Does employees lack out of volunteering to help in simple tasks? Do they blame it on title irrelevancy? Ask yourself if they’re satisfied with their salaries. Also, consider giving rewards and assign an employee-of-the-month reward to encourage them to engage in different activities and improve the productivity of their work.
3- Late arrivals and early leaves!
If your employees are 70% of the time arrive late and always find excuses to leave early or get sick leaves, it may be a sign. Employees need to feel some-what like home when at their offices, if they don’t feel their efforts are appreciated or always getting complaints nevertheless of how hard they’re working and getting no over-time, no rewards whatsoever, they might be lacking for a vivid reason, in this case, you need to take some quick actions before resignation notices start stacking up…
4- Resignation Notices Start Stacking Up
Chances are your employees hate you were far until this moment. 76% of resignations happen because empoyees don’t feel valued at work. If you’re running a micromanaged corporate then you have to accept that at least 10% of your employees hate your guts because you unnoticeably make them feel constantly unvalued. Think of it that way, when was the last time you thanked an employee for a job well done?
5- No body-language signs
Did you even try to maintain good eye contact with someone that you hate or dislike and found it pretty hard? Did you find it even harder to smile normally around them and whenever you do, your smile comes out weird and freaky? Pscychologists say it’s almost impossible to act 100% normal and regulate all the body-language that cues hostility around people you disdain. Notice eye rolls, crossed arms, fidgeting and physical distance.
Even when employees try to hide their hatred for a bad boss they’ll fail just to cover all the hostile body language cues. So if you notice weird body language or get the feeling it’s a little off-putting, think of why they might be secretly disliking you.
8 Symptoms you’re the micromanager we’re talking about
- You avoid delegating tasks
- You require constant reporting
- You’re the only one that makes decisions
- You constantly complain and request edits
- Projects drag on forever
- You’re not a mentor to your employees
- You don’t accept different opinions
- Often find deliverables unsatisfactory

If you noticed your employees avoid talking directly to you and all the above signs apply, then you must re-evaluate your management style.
How to fix your management style and spot weaknesses in your system?
Here are basic steps to take in order to regain your employee’s loyalty and refresh their productivity rates:
- Normalize feedback surveys (include yourself in the evaluating system and accept being criticized)
That’s the only way you can spot errors in your managerial style. This way you can generate better-balanced employee retention and won’t have to deal with hiring new candidates or resignation litters.
- Try to make them feel more welcomed to share opinions
You can’t be hiring expert employees in major fields just to constantly tell them how to do their jobs. Back down a bit and make them feel welcomed to tell you how the work should be done, that’s what you hired them for.
- Know there isn’t ever something perfect
You’ll diminish your own productivity if you keep trying to satisfy the perfectionist inside you. Not only that, your employees will also feel as if they can’t do their jobs. Their energy to do their tasks will rapidly decline. So you need to understand that nothing is supposed to come out perfectly, be gentle on yourself and your team.
- Consult a life-coach on what to do
If you really notice you have an issue and want to fix it in order to make your and everybody else’s life better (please do) try consulting a life-coach on how to fix the problem and decrease your perfectionist tendencies. It really does help in overall life management.
- Realize micromanagement isn’t always bad
While most employees hate micromanagement as it makes them feel overly controlled, some employees require the presence of a micromanager to be able to do their work right. Those kind of workers are suffering from lack of self-confidence and are always conscious about making mistakes. They need their manager to follow along the way to make sure they’re doing everything according to plan.
Are you being micromanaged? Do your employees hate you? Tell us about it in the comments section below!