Corona indeed made us realize and pay attention to more details in the people around us more than we’d ever expected to notice. People we live with, work with, and spontaneous people we meet every day in the streets.
Now after the panic stage is over and we’re back managing a safe return to work, we find ourselves observing and examining how everyone else behaves in relation to us. It’s not you really, it’s your survival mechanism guiding you to learn from others in the first time of your life to witness a pandemic.
It’s time to test your analytical skills, we will expose 5 main characters you have to work with everyday after your return to work, and along with the blog we want you to ask yourself a couple of questions: Have we got them right? Have you met them yet? and if there is a missing character, write about it in the comments below.
Sheldon Cooper
Have you noticed the logician in your team that claims he has the ultimate knowledge and whatever he utters is always the right thing?
If you’re a fan of The Big Bang Theory then we needn’t say any further.
Monica Geller
The famous Friends TV Show character has gained a lot of popularity since nowadays we meet her in real life more than ever! Especially if she’s forced to return to work from the office after 2 months of working from home.
You may never know how anxiety has grown into her until you see her sanitizing her personal stuff every 10 minutes without necessarily having to do so.
Monica Geller is the overly precautious coworker in your company, comment if you have met Monica in real life!
Bart Simpson
This guy is a virus-spreading walking machine.
Despite having strict rules in for safe returning to work, this guy ignores all the signs, walks the streets, rides the bus, purchases food and shakes hands and walks inside the company without having a mask on his face and he seems pretty confident you’d think he’s immune to catching diseases!
This character in the office ignores wearing a mask inside and finds all the chances to skip measures of protection and he exposes all his colleagues to infection. Our well-planned return to work strategy ensures a strict report and tell response to anyone spotted violating the rules like Bart Simpson.
Joey Tribbiani
The first week or two of your return to work would absolutely feel a little overwhelming, you’d be tripping between an overly too boring, and too long day to an overly too exciting and productive day until you find your peace, stabilize a routine, and get used to working from the office again.
What’s assured is that we’ll all be starving to get productive to compensate what we lost in a couple of months we spent eating and working from our beds. Except for Joey.
However, this character would still be living in his quarantine lifestyle that he’d bring it to work with him! This attitude is infectious because if it doesn’t get treated fast, it would lacken up other team members as well.
Brian Griffin
The complaining guy. This is by far the most annoying person to work with because he doesn’t only complain, he spreads negative energy, focuses on bad news, his productivity rate is always decreasing and he pulls everybody down with him. This character is the most anxious and nervous of all employee types during the pandemic.
Even in a normal working day before Coronavirus, this character would be observed as less productive than other teammates of his department.
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