Some of you may think that creativity is an inborn characteristic rather than something that can be learned and developed. Creativity is a skill to be learned, practiced, and developed, just like any other. The more you make creativity part of your daily life, the more it will grow. However, how do you make creativity part of your daily life?how can we expect to see ideas arising from creative employees without an encouraging environment for creativity to be expressed? This is precisely what this article is about.
1. Draw Something:
Although we may have been lectured in school to stop drawing and pay attention, it’s time to bring back the drawing. Drawing does not show a lack of focus. In fact, drawing can help you stay present and engaged during an activity in which you might otherwise find your mind drifting. Some of the greatest thinkers used sketching to jump to creativity, some companies even encourage sketching during meetings. It is a great way to preserve memories and make constructive use of time that might otherwise be spent wasting on a phone. Buy a small, lightweight sketchbook that can easily fit in your bag. Start sketching whenever you have even a few spare minutes, draw the salt and pepper shaker on your table while waiting for your coffee, Though you may be disappointed in your sketches at first, the more you draw, the better you’ll get. Don’t overanalyze your results, simply draw for the enjoyment of the process, not the end piece.
2. Sign Up for a Class in Something You’ve Never Done Before:
Creativity flourishes when you push yourself outside of your comfort zone and learn something new. Many communities offer evening adult education classes. These classes are often very casual, with plenty of beginner offerings. Try painting, pottery, or woodworking. How about learning a new language, picking up a new instrument, or taking a cooking class.
3. Create the Right Environment:
The truth is that every single individual, even you, can be creative. You simply require the right environment, motivation, and support. Kids are packed with creative energy in part because they have not yet learned to fear the criticism of their peers or experienced embarrassment from failure. This is now why failure is lauded in adults, it reflects creative, risk-taking activities. Though not all creative ventures will work out, eventually some will and be very, very successful. The goal is to create an environment that lets employees feel relaxed and comfortable to express creativity and even crazy ideas. Businesses that value creativity need to do their best to raise a creative, safe space where unusual ideas are celebrated and where creativity is nurtured. Learn How to survive work stress
4. Stop Brainstorming and Move Your Body:
Though old-school business practice requires group brainstorming as a powerful way to generate creativity, modern research has found that the group collective isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be. Instead, try new approaches to creative problem solving. Go for a walk. Physically move your body and consider your project problem from different locations. Physical movement has been shown to have a positive effect on creative thinking.
5. Keep Toys on Your Desk:
Many creative design companies encourage employees to keep toys on their desks, Building something physically with your hands, as opposed to typing on a keyboard, can be just the creative shock you need, try to make your office as comfortable place as possible. Indeed, your Office is your second home
6. Think like an adult but act like a kid:
Adults who are trying to be creative face a lot of creative roadblocks along the way, there are rules about what’s allowed and what isn’t, how we’re supposed to behave and not behave. Those rules are there for a reason, we’re not saying they’re bad, but they can inhibit your creativity. Instead, use all the natural intelligence you’ve gained as an adult and where possible, act like a kid. Maintain the wonder you had as a child, and look at every person you meet or every tree you see as endlessly fascinating. Kids ask lots of questions to try to understand the world. Don’t ever stop doing that. Children have a natural creativity that’s constantly reinventing itself, because they’re learning about the world and they don’t know that they’re not supposed to do certain things. Don’t be afraid to responsibly break rules. Tap into that playfulness that’s inside of us all, and go explore that jungle gym that is the world.
7. Take advantage of your alone time:
You don’t have to be anti-social, but many people find their creativity really starts to open up when they are removed from others and able to have quiet focus for their creative work. Use a little bit of alone-time to brainstorm about your art. Spend the time right before you go to sleep and right after you wake up to journal some of your ideas. Many artists find that they are at their creative peaks right after they wake up in the morning.
8. Networking to broad up your ideas:
Meeting people with different ideas and perspectives. We all look at things differently, try to discuss business concepts with those that are polar opposites of you so that you can gain a perspective into the other side of the argument. When you surround yourself with those with similar mindsets you’ll never see things from a different angle. When you interact with someone that sees things completely differently, you’ll be surprised by what exists that you never thought of. This is why you should always speak with a friend that you know will share a different side of things before every business decision. You want to cover all of your bases. Especially if you are trying to be creative. You don’t want to miss out a specific angle on something just because you never took the time to address it with someone.
9. Experimenting is always useful:
Experimenting is how we really learn. The experience of doing something and the wisdom gained from it is far more valuable and achieving method than any other type of education. It is a powerful tool that leads to creativity, it goes hand in hand with effort and consistency to create the foundation of success.
10. Change your attitude to failure:
If everything you try works then you are not being bold enough. Innovation involves trying some things that don’t work, treat each failure as a learning opportunity. Let it be like that in your mind “I succeed or I learn, but I never fail”.