Yes, you are on Jobzella and you are looking for a job. While we have established that you no longer need to just drop your CV and leave, we need to establish how to network professionally and correctly that you simply hit the ground running on Jobzella. Here are our top 8 rules for professional networking on Jobzella:
1- Networking is a Two Way Street
If you keep asking for a job and just that, people will pick up the feeling you are in it for yourself. Networking works both ways, help your community and even nominate connections for jobs you think they are qualified for. You need to be appreciated as a helper before you are appreciated as a job candidate. Don’t be self centered, no one likes self centered people.
2- Don’t talk about yourself ALL THE TIME
Yes you are great, yes you have so much potential and yes, any company would be lucky to have you. But it is not all about you, you need to demonstrate your knowledge with the things you share and the tips you give out, and remember that, sadly, the world doesn’t revolve around you.
3- Instead of Showcasing YOU, Ask Questions
Go on a people’s search on Jobzella and start finding people with fields and careers that interest you. Then follow them, request a follow back and start asking questions. What is the thing they love most love about their jobs? What are their careers’ defining moments? What do they advise others to do?
The key here is to make your connections feel valued and therefore more interested in continuing the relationship which means helping you out when you need a job recommendation.
4- Be Polite, Say Thank You
That is just manners, when someone likes your updates, requests a follow back or sends you a question, say thank you and offer your assistance or insight. Don’t be rude, online networking is a gentleman’s field and remember, that first impressions do last a lifetime.
5- Be Accountable
If you promised someone something, do it. Even if you think they must have forgotten all about you. Do what you promised to do regardless of your expected outcome, they may not get you a job right away but they will always remember that you did, in fact, follow up on your promises.
6- Don’t be Too Personal
Whether someone is married or about to be married really doesn’t matter to you on a professional basis, neither does their appearance or recent pictures. There is a fine line between courteous in business and being an online stalker. Keep that line clear and uncrossed.
7- Play Long Term
Don’t aim for a short term fix, even if you do harass someone enough into getting you that interview, do you really want to be remembered as the person who kept asking and asking for it? You wouldn’t hire a harasser and neither would they. Instead, aim for long term mutual connections instead of short term plans to land that elusive interview.
8- Think of Google
Yes, your Jobzella profile offers you the chance to showcase all your work but you need to think of Google. If you are doing it right, googling your name should result in your social network and blogging links on the first page. Be everywhere, a blog, Goodreads, Flickr, Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter and Facebook. Choose the right social networks and platforms that convey the true essence of you. Don’t forget to have these links visible on your Jobzella profile.
These are our top rules for successful professional networking on Jobzella, Do you have more advice and experiences to share with us? Let us know @Jobzella