Here we’re back again, the fair that you’re waiting from year to year, this year the Fifth career fair from Jobzella will be full of surprises!
Jobzella’s fifth career fair will be on the 26th of December 2020 at the Greek Campus, with more than 50 companies participated from different fields, and one of our main sponsors this year is E3mel Business.
E3mel Business for Financial & Managerial Consultancy is a company looking for medium and small projects to help the establishers to start the business in the right way, either through funding the project or the idea of the project needs funding.
It also gives some tips for establishing and managing any project and it Specialities in E-learning, Software, Consulting, Food & Beverage, and Real Estate.
By attending Jobzella’s fifth career fair you’ll be on the appointment with an inspiring speech by dr Mohamed Elbaz the CEO, of e3ml Business Academy, and you can join the workshop to change your career life.
Join now and register with one click now, we will be waiting for you! Here.