Internship Interview Survival Tips
Interviewing for an internship (summer job) is a lot like interviewing for a full-time, year-round position in many respects. You’ll need to prepare for the job interview by researching the company, rehearsing answers to common interview questions, and bringing a list of references to give your interviewer.
But interviewing for an internship is also different because the job itself is for a limited time.
To make the best possible impression on the hiring manager, review common internship interview questions – and bring some questions of your own to ask at the end of the interview.
Before giving you the interview survival recipe, Please check the below top 10 internship interview questions. Don’t worry anymore you will find the answers of most of them here
Top 100 Interview Questions and Answers from Jobzella.
- Tell me a little bit about yourself.
- When are you available to work this summer?
- Do you have summer vacation plans?
- Tell me about your academic goals and grades.
- Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
- Do you have any related experience?
- What other jobs have you held? What did you like best/least about them?
- If I asked your teachers or your guidance counselor to describe you, what would they say?
- If you have worked before, what do you like best about your last job?
- Describe your ability to work as part of a team.
Let’s Suppose that you have succeeded in your job search, to find the best internship that will boost your early career life. Now you need to know how to pass the job interview successfully. Only with these Internship Interview Survival Tips.
Do Your Research, Google the company’s name. Learn about its industry, most important milestones, clients and achievements. Also, search for the name of the person interviewing you. Find out more about where they went to college, their career path and their most important professional milestones. Stalking them on Facebook doesn’t count!
Dress to Impress
Do some groundwork, try to investigate the company culture when it comes to appearance. For example, some companies apply a “Casual Chic” policy where jeans are allowed while other companies are applying “formal wear” policies. Dress accordingly so you don’t feel or look out of place.
Tips: for girls, regardless of the company culture, steer away from excessive makeup and bright headscarf colors. The more toned down, the better.
What Is Your Body Language Saying?
Your body language shows how you are feeling about yourself and how you are feeling about the job. Walk straight with a smile on your face, Just don’t turn into Batman’s Joker. Be relaxed.
Ask Questions
All the Human Resources experts we asked all agree on one thing; they respect a candidate that asks questions about the company instead of acting like the interview is a test.
Don’t fear The Bombard Method
That is when the recruiter feels the need to ask you several quick questions one right after the other, this is usually to test the way your brain functions under stress. Take deep breaths and answer the questions and remember, saying I don’t know is much more respected than speculating about something you originally know nothing about.
For companies Jobzella offers you the chance to publish your training program opportunities on Jobzella Network, completely free and we will help you choose the best interns.
Just follow these simple steps:
- Send the link of your company profile on jobzella to this email
- Send us your internship opportunities.
- We will contact you shortly.
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