From time to time, we just need to watch a story that inspires us, to hear about situations similar to what we are going through. It’s the best way to get the lesson!
In this Blog post, we have brought you 4 inspirational short speeches from TEDx, that will help you in your career enhancement, in just 6 minutes.
Rick Elias, 3 lessons learned from My plane crash
Rick, an American citizen and owner of a marketing services company, had a different view of the life he was living in, before he survived from a plane crash that came out of with 3 lessons that changed his life . Click on the video below, to know them!
Ruth Chang, How to make difficult decisions?
Do you accept this job offer or reject it? Is it time to resign or do you still have the ability to endure?
The big decisions are difficult and hard to make, but because you are not realizing the best way to make them properly.
In this video, Ruth Chang, a philosophy professor, accompanied you on a journey towards how to make the decisions that you can not regret.
Angela Lee,The Power of Passion
How to use passion to create a productive career? More importantly, you will find out the mystery of passion power that surpasses all the intelligence that you can possess. If you still doubt that passion is a lifeline for your professional success you should watch her inspirational speech and think again!
If you think these videos are inspiring and useful, do not hesitate to share your comments with us, Tell us about the most influential person, and don’t forget to share the blog with your friends..