Keep The New Year’s Spirit Alive!

The New Year is a beginning of new goals and resolutions, new plans, new dreams and new directions for your thoughts. It’s so exciting to unfold the page to a new year with all the hope and enthusiasm it brings. However, much of what the New Year represents is deeply psychological. A new year is a state of mind that we can revisit on a regular basis no matter what the calendar says. We can select our own touchstone dates throughout the year; birthdays, anniversaries of the business opening, or also the usual traditional start of each new quarter. A lot of dates can serve as goals to re-capture the New Year spirit and evaluate the priorities again.Take a moment to think about the dates you’d like to revive, and mark them on your calendar, then, inject the New Year’s spirit into your new milestones throughout the year in some of the following ways:

Re-energize  Are you excited about the future of your business, your career, your life? You should be! This is the greatest gift of the independent career path. If what you’re doing isn’t working for you, you can change the course. Take stock on a regular basis so you can clear out dead-end initiatives, and make room to try new things.

Business Plan Adjustment  As we know, the days of putting together an annual plan and following it until December are now gone. There was a time when businesses actually were doing a five years plan, and get stuck to it! Today, things change very fast! Goal setting and New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be a one-and=done phenomena, it’s beneficial to measure, evaluate and re-plan based on the prevailing conditions.

Socialize – December usually brings with it an increased contacts and connections because of celebrating the new year, and that can be very regenerating, but it doesn’t have to end with the holidays. Having an outlet for social support makes every day more enjoyable and definitely improves the quality of your work. Your work life can be a lonely one only if you allow it to be, find people with whom you can invent, joke, and brainstorm new ideas on a regular basis, and you’ll have a lot more fun!

Educate – Many of us start the new year with the goal of learning something new. Personally, this is the most motivating factor in your career. You just make sure to read a mind-expanding book multiple times a year, keeping the knowledge flowing will help keep you interested and engaged. When you think about it, every day is the beginning of a new year. Don’t wait for external milestones to do what’s best for you and your business; find the New Year’s spirit at the times that work best for you, the times that you are ready to think of any special activities or other ideas to incorporate, get passionate about your work, and do something you know you are the best at!

At the beginning of the year think of the following 3 questions, people who could answer them affirmatively are more likely to be happy and productive:


  1. Do I know what is expected from me at work?
  2. Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work the right way?
  3. At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I am at every day?

 Do something just for you every single day – As a manager or a business professional, you can get caught up in doing things for others during every minute of your work day. If you have family members who occupy the off-work hours, this problem is compounded! Work on setting some time for yourself every day to exercise, relax, reflect, cook dinner, eat ice cream, write your diaries, walk your pet or find any other activity that takes your fancy. Just make sure that this activity is different than what you already do all day long. You will feel as if you actually have a Life!

Give yourself credit when you deserve it – People who receive praise or recognition for their work are usually more happy and productive. In this era of empowered employees and broad distances of managerial control, you are less likely to have frequent interaction with your boss. Thus, it is important that you recognize yourself for excellent efforts. One way to do this is to keep a file of positive notes, thank you letters, and reminders of successful ventures. Stop to measure success after each project you complete.

Make professional contacts and network – Find your colleagues with whom you have lost touch. Make sure you attend at least one professional meeting each month. You will surely benefit from the friendships and relationships you develop from active participation.But it is not enough to just join, you need to actually participate to reap the rewards from professional collaboration.


Write out your New Year’s resolutions and you will restore, revitalize, and renew your spirit to take advantage of all the possibilities of the new year. May your New Year’s resolutions help you make this year your best year ever. Be good to yourself this year, promise that you will!

We wish you all a very happy and exceedingly prosperous year ahead.

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